I have sent out questionnaires to friends and family with the following questions being asked:
  • Do you drive a car?
  • Would you be interested in having an autonomous vehicle?
  • Would you own a fully autonomous car yourself?
My goal with the questions was threefold. If people even drive cars and why/why not. Also, the interest in autonomous technology as a whole and what they would use it for. Lastly, would they own an autonomous car themselves or would they like to purchase some kind of service (like car pooling) when using fully autonomous cars. I also gave them the option to speak freely about the subject and questions and I will summarize them a bit in this post as well.

When it comes to people actually driving cars, most of the ones that responded to my questionnaire were either students themselves or young adults(25-35). As such, many answered that they do not drive a car due to being a student (Which is very uncommon in Sweden). Furthermore, the young adults mostly used cars for commuting to work and/or running errands. A few of them, who did not own a car, used a car pooling service instead whenever they would need to use a car for personal transport. If they did not use the car pooling service, they commuted to work via public transport.

The main point of having an autonomous car would be to avoid commuting to work. As such, many of the people asked were very interested in this idea. Furthermore, the majority would like to still drive their car, but the commuting part of the day would be much more bearable if they could "switch to autonomous mode". The willingness to let an autonomous vehicle have full control was rather high, as only 7 were very reluctant towards giving something else control of the situation. Also, being in Sweden, there was one person who did not believe in using cars for transportation at all. Not even electric ones, as they wrote in the free text. 

Ownership of a car might also change drastically when autonomous vehicles become more common. As such, I wanted to know if someone would actually like to own the car themselves (when not being able to drive it themselves as well). Many people were actually reluctant to even owning a car themselves. As the majority of them stated, they would rather use a car pooling service to ensure that they have a hassle free over-all experience. Since Gothenburg, where I and they live, is reducing the number of parking spots in town along with an increased toll-gate tax, it makes a lot of sense to not own the car at all and simply just using it when you need to get around.

Still, ownership of something is always sought after by people. As such, there were still a lot of people willing to own it themselves, mostly due to having a family and the 24/7 availability of the vehicle for yourself.


  1. There is an interesting cultural perspective here, as you may likely get much different results if you asked the same questions in Calgary! It may be fun to compare results from different countries and see how they line up. Thanks for your work. - The CDIO Academy Team


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